Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Life skills may be defined as abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life

- Rajeev Ranjan

Sustainable life skills have a substantial effect on all aspects of life, especially social environment, and business life. Soft skills include most of the important abilities such as problem solving and the ability to work in a team. These skills are particularly important in sectors where social relation is of high importance for the delivery and quality of the work. In this respect, in the EU, disadvantaged groups including migrants, marginalized groups and low/semi-skilled adults are the most vulnerable part of the community in terms of lacking sustainable & soft skills or mindset.

Concrete Objectives Sustainable Cafe Project is framed around empowering adults and an interactive process of high-quality learning opportunities for disadvantaged adult groups, including low-skilled/low qualified, marginalized, socially excluded adults and migrants. Sustainable Cafe Project aims to support sustainable skills mindset as well as social inclusion which will enable these adults to acquire knowledge and to develop attitudes and skills which support the adoption of vocational skills and as a result help them navigate through in a business environment.

Our Project aims to provide opportunities for the development of a sustainable life skills mindset for Low Skilled Adults and help gain them relevant knowledge to improve soft skills and gain sustainable competences. Sustainable Life Skills Café understands that adult education organisations, trainers, and support structures such as chambers or incubators, are put in a position to sustainably professionalise their services and increase their impact. By actively supporting the potential active work force in disadvantaged groups, we aim to create an important impact for the regional economy.

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